LIFX A19 Color 11.5W

Test Date: June 23rd, 2024
Firmware: 3.90

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lifx color a19 11.5w product photo


Model: LHLA19E26US
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Matter Enabled: No
Color Mode:
RGB + Tunable White
CCT Range:
BBD Score: 0.0021
White Brightness: 9.4-1120 lumens
RGB Brightness:
1.6-195 lumens
RGB Gamut: 0.1148
Avg CRI (Re):
Avg TM-30 Rf: 78
TM-30 Rg:

Dimming Algorithm

Dimming Graph - LIFX A19 Color 11.5W

White Graphs

LIFX A19 Color 11.5W SPD Graph (Gif)
LIFX A19 Color 11.5W CCT Deviation
a line graph displaying the duv deviation from baseline across multiple color temperatures

RGB Data

LIFX A19 Color 11.5W_chroma
LIFX A19 Color 11.5W RGB SPD Graph
RGB Spectral Power Distribution Graph LIFX A19 Color 11.5W red 2

Dominant: 625nm
High: 200 lumens
Low: 1.8 lumens

RGB Spectral Power Distribution Graph LIFX A19 Color 11.5W green 2

Dominant: 526nm
High: 310 lumens
Low: 2.4 lumens

RGB Spectral Power Distribution Graph LIFX A19 Color 11.5W blue 2

Dominant: 458nm
High: 70 lumens
Low: 0.5 lumens

Thermal Image

LIFX A19 Color 11.5W thermal photo

Flicker Data

Flicker Waveform Graph - 100 Percent Brightness LIFX A19 Color 11.5W
Flicker Waveform Graph - 50 Percent Brightness LIFX A19 Color 11.5W

White CCT Data


Measured CCT: 2185K
Duv: 0.0021
High: 495 lumens
Low: 4.5 lumens
CRI (Re): 17.8
TM-30 Rf: 52
TM-30 Rg: 101

LIFX A19 color 11.5W tm-30 report 2200k


Measured CCT: 2700K
Duv: 0.0018
High: 665 lumens
Low: 7 lumens
CRI (Re): 57.9
TM-30 Rf: 77
TM-30 Rg: 110

LIFX A19 color 11.5W tm-30 report 2700k


Measured CCT: 4015K
Duv: -0.0006
High: 1120 lumens
Low: 9.4 lumens
CRI (Re): 79.6
TM-30 Rf: 85
TM-30 Rg: 97

LIFX A19 color 11.5W tm-30 report 4000k


Measured CCT: 5490K
Duv: 0.0009
High: 980 lumens
Low: 8.3 lumens
CRI (Re): 84.9
TM-30 Rf: 88
TM-30 Rg: 100

LIFX A19 color 11.5W tm-30 report 5500k


Measured CCT: 6485K
Duv: 0.0019
High: 925 lumens
Low: 7.9 lumens
CRI (Re): 85.9
TM-30 Rf: 88
TM-30 Rg: 100

LIFX A19 color 11.5W tm-30 report 6500k

Learn More

All of this data can be confusing at first, read through this section, and I promise it won’t be any longer.
You’ll be an expert!

Lumens tells you how bright a light source is.

Most lights state they emit “800 lumens” or “1600 lumens”, however, these are seldom accurate.

Our equipment can measure lumen output, so we’ve recorded the average lumen output for whites and RGB settings.

This means you can see just how bright or dim a light can get and how vibrant the RGB colors might be.

Correlated color temperature or CCT refers to the shade of white a light source is, essentially how warm or cool a light source appears.

When you heat a metal, it goes from orange to white, to blue. This color gradient is referred to as the black body locus.

The black body locus appears in the middle of the CIE’s 1976 chromaticity chart.

A CCT of 2700K will be more orange, while 6500K will appear more blue.

representation of color temperature from various lights

One of the most attractive features of many smart LEDs is their ability to change from warm to cool light.

However, how accurately they achieve a selected CCT isn’t disclosed, and some lights are better at this than others.

When possible, each LED is set to a selected CCT such as 2200K, after which the actual emitted CCT is recorded.

A graph showing a light’s deviation from the specified CCT is shown as follows:

CCT Deviation Amazon Basics BR30 Color
The blue line is the selected CCT in the app, while the yellow line is the actual measured CCT from the LED.

One thing worth noting here is that cooler CCTs are much harder to notice large changes in than warmer ones.

Meaning, the color appearance change from 2000K to 3000K is far more drastic than 6000K to 7000K.

Color temperature isn’t the whole picture though, there’s also tint or Duv.

Duv shows you how far a light’s color deviates from the black body locus:

black body locus with duv labels
Rarely does a light source fall directly on top of the BBL curve.

A negative Duv indicates that the source is “below” the blackbody locus, having a purplish tint, while a positive Duv indicates that the source is “above” the blackbody locus, having a greenish tint.

Most people seem to prefer a slightly negative Duv over a positive one.

We’ve highlighted Duv which exceeds +/- 0.002 as this is about when tint usually becomes noticeable.

For white tunable LEDs, we’ve included a blackbody deviation chart so you can see how well a light stays within the 0.002 limit across its range.

a line graph displaying the duv deviation from baseline across multiple color temperatures
An example of a blackbody deviation chart.

We also include a blackbody deviation score or BBD.

This uses a single number to represent how far a light deviates from perfect white across it’s entire range. The closer to 0 it gets, the better.

The oldest and most widely adopted color rendering metric is the color rendering index or CRI.

This essentially compares a reference light (such as sunlight) to the light being tested. A score of 100 indicates that the test source reflects colors identically to the reference light.

Color rendering of an apple from lights of CRI 97, 90, and 80

CRI leaves a LOT to be desired and has since become obsolete with the recent development of the TM-30 standard, however, since everyone is still using it, we’ve decided to include it in our measurements.

CRI Ra vs Re diagram

You may have noticed however that we use CRI “Re”, which includes saturated colors such as R9 or deep red. This is a much harder score to rank high in. When companies state their “CRI” score, they’re referring to CRI Ra, which excludes these color. But still, just use TM-30 Rf, CRI sucks.

The new TM-30 standard is a far more modern and useful set of color quality metrics.

TM-30 was created in 2015 and was designed to replace the antiquated CRI standard.

TM-30 gives us tons of useful information for grading the quality of a light source:

Rf or Fidelity

This is a number from 1 to 100 that measures the reflected light accuracy compared to a standard, similar to CRI.

While CRI only measures 8 to 15 colors for its average score, TM-30 uses 99 total colors.

Graphic showing the 8 colors used to determine CRI score versus the 99 colors used to determine the TM-30 fidelity score

The fidelity graph looks like this, giving you an idea of how accurately it reflects certain colors.

tm-30 color fidelity graph
TM-30 fidelity graph showing how well a light source reflects all 99 colors

Rg or Gamut

This number shows how saturated a light source is on average. A number higher than 100 indicates it’s slightly over-saturated, while a number under 100 indicates under-saturation.

Color Vector Graphic

Finally, we get the CVG, which gives us a visual representation of color saturation.

a graphic explaining how to interpret a color vector graphic

We’ve included a full TM-30 report for each CCT tested.

Smart lights create their “16 million” colors by manipulating the output of red, green, and blue LEDs.

To measure RGB values, we set each bulb to emit only red, green, or blue and combine these to create the graph below:

LIFX A19 Color 11.5W RGB SPD Graph
A typical RGB output graph for a smart light

This allows you to see each RGB channel’s relative output strength and spectrum.

We’ve also calculated the lumen output for each band, so you can see which lights get dimmer or brighter.

Dominant wavelengths are given for each RGB band, which tells you the appearance of the color.

The spectral width, strength, and dominant color of the LEDs will all play a role in how colors will end up looking.

To give you a better idea of which colors a particular light is capable of, we’ve developed this chromaticity graph:

LIFX A19 Color 11.5W_chroma

This uses the CIE 1976 colorspace, which represents all of the colors humans can see.

We measure the red, green, and blue output from each light, and chart the total area.

This will allow you to visually and objectively compare lights and their respective color output capabilities.

A thA thermal image is taken of each bulb after 1 hour at maximum brightness:

thermal photo of wyze color a19
LEDs will often continue to increase in heat beyond 1 hour, just at a much slower rate.

This is mostly just for fun…

Smart lights dim in one of two ways:

  • Logarithmic
  • Linear

Here is what logarithmic dimming looks like:

Dimming Graph - LIFX A19 Color 9W

And here is what linear dimming looks like:

Dimming Graph - wyze color a19

You may think that linear dimming makes the most sense, but humans perceive light changes logarithmically, so you may prefer this style of dimming over linear.

Most lights modulate their brightness over time. This is often referred to as “flicker” although this is a generic term for the idea.

There are several ways to measure temporal light modulation and artifacts.

We measure just about all of them using a LabFlicker meter and describe them in more depth below.

Included are waveform graphs and test reports at 100% and 50% brightness levels.

Temporal Light Modulation and Artifact Measurement Standards

Here are the metrics we measure:

1. Flicker Risk

According to the IEEE’s 1789 flicker standard, flicker can be grouped into three categories:

  • No Risk
  • Low Risk
  • High Risk

This is an oversimplification of flicker but is useful for “at a glance” judgment of a light’s flickering.

2. Frequency

Well built drivers will maintain a 0 Hz flicker across it’s brightness range, while poor drivers will almost always flicker at around 120 Hz, equal to the 120V energy system used in the US.

Many lights flicker anywhere from 120-4000 Hz and can vary considerably within this range.

3. Flicker Depth

This tells us exactly how much the light intensity changes from maximum to minimum brightness.

A flicker depth of 90% means the light source is dimming down to 10% of it’s maximum brightness.

4. Flicker Index

Flicker Index is an older metric that tries to quantify the “flicker” by calculating the area over the average divided by the total between both:

diagram showing how the flicker index is calculated

Many people consider this metric useless compared to the other newer ones, but it’s generally considered that the lower the number the better.


This is another metric used to quantify flicker severity perceived by individuals under different lighting conditions.

It takes into account factors such as flicker frequency and modulation depth to assess how noticeable and potentially uncomfortable flicker may be.

We like to see this number stay under 0.1

6. SVM (Stroboscopic Effect Visibility Measure)

SVM seeks to determine how noticeable the stroboscopic effect from a light source is.

A stroboscopic effect occurs when a fast-moving object appears stationary or moves slowly under a flickering light source that flashes at a frequency matching or close to the object’s motion frequency, creating an illusion of motion distortion or stillness.

  • SVM < 1: Not Visible
  • SVM = 1: Just Visible
  • SVM > 1: Visible

7. Pst LM (short-term light modulation)

Visible flicker typically occurs when the frequency is from 0.3-80 Hz.

A PstLM of 1 means that the average observer has a 50% probability of detecting flicker, so the lower the better.

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