Circadian Optics Review

Ever since Circadian Optics landed on Shark Tank and amassed a net worth of around $7 million, they’ve become one of the most popular light therapy lamp brands.

So of course we purchased and tested every single one!

Doesn’t it seem like every single light therapy lamp on the market advertises:

10,000 LUX!

Well, this claim is meaningless unless you know where you get 10,000 lux, which is often 6″ from a device and ain’t nobody sittin’ 6″ from a light therapy lamp.

Circadian Optics is not immune from this marketing ploy, but they do clarify this in their manuals:

circadian optics manuals
Here we can see 10,000 lux is supposedly achieved at 5-6″ and 9″

Listen, I’m not wedded to this whole 10,000 lux thing anyway.

  1. 10,000 lux is not even remotely necessary to achieve circadian activation.
  2. Lux isn’t even that great of a measurement tool for circadian activity in the first place.

But it’s just annoying that every light therapy company uses this large number on every single device no matter what it actually outputs.

We did a video for this review as well if that’s more your speed!

Testing the Circadian Optics Lamps

Light therapy lamps are supposed to help alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, depression, and insomnia.

Let’s get into the testing to see how well these might perform.

How Do We Test Our Lights?

I’m so glad you asked.

We set up our lights in a dark room and measure them with a lab-grade spectrometer to get real readings of their output, so you know exactly what you’re getting.

But that’s not all!

Most people don’t know this, but as LEDs heat up (and boy do they heat up), their spectral properties change…

Some lights get brighter, while some get dimmer. Some lights get more blue while some get more red, it’s hard to say until you turn them on and collect the data!

Which we do.

So we set up our lights, turn them on, and take a reading every minute for one full hour, and we average those results.

This gives us a much more accurate reading of lights versus the manufacturer’s claims, as they simply turn a light on, measure it, and turn it back off.

Total Lux

LUX! The almighty lux.

We decided to test all of the lamps at 1 foot for an hour in order to get an average total lux reading. This is because lux output from LEDs changes over time.

To illustrate this point, here’s a graph detailing the changes seen in lux output for all of the lights:

As you can see the general trend is a dip of about ~200 lux within the first 10 minutes or so.

Unlike the other lamps, the Lampu increases in lux over time. This is why we cannot get a snapshot measurement from these products.

Here’s a graph showing the average lux from these lamps over those 60 minutes:

As you can see, the Lampu comes out way on top! The Lattis is also quite a bit brighter than all the rest.

A stand out here is the Luxy. Since it’s so small, its lux output is pretty impressive.

But enough about Lux, let’s get into a metric that’s a bit more useful than that.

Circadian Light

Lux is currently the “go-to” metric for light therapy effectiveness, but it’s not really designed for that.

Lux is a measurement of the amount of “visible light” hitting an area. However, it’s weighted towards 555 nm green, as the human eye is most visually sensitive to the middle of the visible spectrum.

However, this has nothing to do with the portions of the visible spectrum that most effectively activate the circadian response in the brain and eyes.

For that, a metric called circadian light has been developed, which is weighted specifically to estimate how effectively a light source will trigger the brain to alert you that it’s daytime.

For the most part, circadian light (or CLA) tracks right alongside lux with these lights.

However, one pair stands out!

Look at Lumos 2.0 and Lumine quickly and then go check the lux graph again.

You’ll notice that the Lumine produces more lux than the Lumos, and yet the Lumos is putting out more CLA than the Lumine! Interesting…

This is because the Lumos 2.0 has a much bluer color temperature.

Speaking of which…

Color Temperature

Circadian Optics claims that all its lights emit a flat 5500K light, much like the noonday sun. However, like most lighting products, this claim is inaccurate.

Below is a graph of each light’s color temperature over 60 minutes:

As you can see, the lights change color over time as the LEDs heat up; this is fairly normal for LEDs.

The only lamp that ever reached 5500K was the Lumine, and that only lasted for about 10 minutes! However, it eventually sticks to around 5700K, which makes it the most true to the claim out of the six.

Below, we have a graph of the average color temperatures over one hour:

You can now see how the Lumos 2.0 might be the more effective circadian lamp over the Lumine even though the Lumine produces a bit more “lux”.

Color Rendering Index

Color temperature isn’t all there is to whether or not a light resembles the sun. What we really want to see is a high color rendering index or CRI.

The more a light source mimics the full-color depth of the sun, the closer to a perfect 100 score it will have.

Modern true “full spectrum” LEDs will often score in the 95-98 range.

Circadian optics lights however are just pretty average…

A few things we can see.

  1. All of these lights have average to poor color quality and don’t really excel here.
  2. Even though the Lampu is the brightest light, it produces the lowest-quality color output.
  3. The Lattis, however, the second brightest, is also the best looking.

Spectral Power Distribution Graph

One last thing we’ll touch on is the actual spectral graphs, just because I think they’re cool—because I’m a nerd like that.

All of these lamps use your typical blue LED phosphor pump diodes. What on earth does that mean?

Most “white” LEDs are actually blue. The trick is to coat the LED surface with a phosphor compound that glows a broad-spectrum yellow when excited by blue radiation.

Here, let me show you:

Average SPD of all CO lamps

See that big blue spike? That’s the blue LED. See that big greenyellowred hump? That’s the phosphor coating.

Together, they make a “white” light! Pretty neat, eh?

Anyways, that’s about it. Onto the best choices!

The Best Circadian Optics Lights

If I had to pick my favorites from the six, these would be it.

For more information on light therapy lamps, be sure to check out our database!

Light Therapy Database Button

Also, check out our article on the best SAD lamps if that’s what you’re looking for!

1. Lampu – Best Overall

Out of the six models we tested, the Lampu won in all the most important categories, such as total lux, circadian light, and glare (or lux per in2).

It’s very easy to use, the light is comfortable and bright, and it looks nice too!

Lampu Light Therapy Lamp

lampu product image


  • Far brighter than every other lamp
  • Angle and glare are very good for desk use


  • Most expensive option made by Circadian Optics

2. Luxy – Best Portable

If you’re looking for a portable and very effective light therapy lamp, Luxy is a beast!

I was actually really surprised by the output on this one. It puts out a ton of light for its size and didn’t get as hot as I’d expected during our testing

Pick this one up if you’re looking for a small, portable, highly effective light therapy lamp.

Luxy Light Therapy Lamp

luxy light therapy lamp product photo


  • Power anywhere with USB
  • Portable and easy to travel with
  • Extremely bright for the money


  • May be uncomfortable due to its small size and high lux output

3. Lattis – Runner-Up

The Lattis is our runner-up due to its unique artsy design and effective light output.

This lamp is second to the Lampu in raw light output among the six Circadian Optics lights we tested. It also has the best color quality!

If you’re looking for a light therapy lamp that also doubles as an art piece, this is a great pick!

Lattis Light Therapy Lamp

lattis product photo square


  • The best color quality of all Circadian Optics lamps
  • Beautiful, unique, and well-built design
  • Very bright and effective


  • Must be placed on a shelf for optimal angle

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Circadian Optics Lights Work?

Rest assured that all of these lights effectively reset and align your circadian rhythm.

However, several variables will change their effectiveness:

  1. The lamp itself and its particular light output.
  2. Your distance from the lamp.
  3. The selected brightness setting.
  4. Your sensitivity to light.

In order to get the most out of these or any other light, ensure that you’re getting the minimum Circadian Stimulus from your light by finding it on our database and using the CS Calculator to determine the time needed for the minimum dose at your selected distance and brightness levels!

How to Use Circadian Optics Lights: Instructions and Directions

Circadian Optics recommends placing their lamps 1-2 feet away, not looking directly into the light, and using it for 10 minutes at first to see how you react.

After that, you can increase the brightness as you are comfortable and the duration up to the 30-60 minutes they recommend.

It is also recommended that you use the light consistently at the same time every day, usually in the morning.

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